sexta-feira, 9 de julho de 2021

⚠️ World Business List 2021/2022 Pending domain registration [REF:HCA-32018]

Ladies and Gentlemen,

In order to have your business(es) inserted in
the register of World Businesses for the
2021/2022 edition; please print and complete
the attached form (wbl2021info.jpg) and send it
to the following address:

World-Business List
Postbus 34
3700 AA Zeist

Fax: +31 303 100 126
or email it to the email address mentioned on the form.

Updates are free of charge!

This form can also be used for your other
domain(s) and/or business(es).
A PDF version of the form is also available.

DEADLINE: July 31st 2021!

Kind regards,

Elizabeth Davis,
Customer Service Agent.